授業担当者:Taras Alexander Sak
This course is designed to introduce students to the world of American poetry, beginning with the religious poems of the Puritans and ending with hip-hop or "rap" lyrics of our own time. We have fun studying figurative language, like simile, metaphor and personification, as well as the rhythm and structure (the "meter" or patterns of words and sounds) that the poems take. This course aims to build on students' understanding of American literature and their existing English skills in order to help deepen their understanding and appreciation of English-language literature. We read and analyze many poems written in English, ranging from the 1600s until the present day (so, approximately 400 years' worth of poetry). We also watch a movie called Paterson, which is about a poet who happens to be a bus driver. This film raises some important questions: "Can poetry be written by anyone? And can poetry be written about ordinary life?" I hope that students will be able to answer those questions and feel encouraged to become lifelong, independent learners who can pick up a book of poetry, written in English, and read it with understanding, appreciation, and joy.