• 学科ニュース



  • 学生活動



We are the third year students and members of Professor Hatai seminar. We have a project to do interaction with Chinese students at Yanbian University in China online. We started this program in July and did online sessions, and we did the online tour at Miyajima on August 1st. It was our important interaction to introduce Hiroshima culture and history. We wore beautiful yukata to show off... The yukata-dresser told us that Chinese people like flashy colorful patterns, so we chose the bright color yukata such as red and yellow. First of all, we introduced famous foods in Miyajima: Momiji Manju (maple shaped sweet bun) and oyster. They were so delicious and Chinese students envied us a lot. We occasionally faced WIFI problem and had to change our original plan to show live pictures to the video introduction in Itsukushima shrine and Daishoin temple. We sent the video to Chinese students and they loved it and learned the attraction of Miyajima.

Chinese students told us that they enjoyed landscape of Japan even if they cannot visit Japan now. We also enjoyed some fun quiz to communicate vice versa. It was very hot at 35 degrees Celsius with the blazing sun. However, we felt it worthwhile and fun.  We have learned that we need to know more information and the ability to communicate smoothly for our study-abroad in Hawaii. 'Practice makes perfect!' Now we are thinking about making an English version of the video.

私たち畑井ゼミ3年生は、国際交流基金のプロジェクトである「中国の延辺大学」の学生とオンラインで交流をしています。7月から始めたこの企画、8月1日には、交流の目玉である「オンラインツアー」を宮島で行いました。浴衣に着替えて始めたツアーではもみじ饅頭と焼き牡蠣の紹介をしました。通信状態が不安定で時々繋がりが悪く予定通りには行きませんでしたが、交流後に撮影した動画を使って厳島神社と大聖院の紹介動画を作成し、宮島の魅力をしっかり伝えることができました。また、コロナ禍で訪れることができない日本の風景を楽しめたこと、クイズを交えて楽しく参加できたことで、中国人大学生からも好評でした。35℃炎天下での汗だくの交流でしたが、やり甲斐と情報量、コミュニケーション能力の大切さを痛感しました。"Practice makes perfect."ハワイ留学前に、英語の準備として、これらの映像に英語のテロップが入れられたらとも考えています。


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As a part of the Japan-China exchange programs funded by Japan Foundation, the 3rd year students of Hatai seminar at DITB introduced Onomichi on Zoom on August 5th. We were walking around famous sightseeing spots talking to Chinese counterparts in Japanese. They study Japanese and we are kind of language tutors... We visited U2 tourist spot, the shopping arcade, and Senkoji Temple. Chinese students were talking actively and we were able to communicate well. At first we were confused because it is our first challenge, but we succeeded to attract them a lot, YEY!!
What we were careful in a communication was to speak kind and easy Japanese for their study. It was difficult to convey, but we talked clearly and loudly so that we could talk to them not unilaterally. We devised Japanese words or sentences for them to understand us. It was a great exercise for our language study! Making sentences easy made Chinese students ask us lots of questions, which is great! I interacted with a foreign people like this for the first time and I was so nervous, but it was an enjoyable experience and a great memory to be able to explain the charm of Hiroshima. Next time I have a chance to interact with foreign people, I want to participate in it and talk a lot. I would love to use my English to introduce Hiroshima and Japanese culture in English next time.


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