• 学科ニュース

学部・大学院5年一貫コース 海外留学スタート! NEWS⑤


  • 学科紹介


11月末に私たちは、UC Davisで教育学を教えておられるNancy Tueng先生とお話する機会がありました。Nancy先生は公立小学校の教師をされていた経験もある方です。この日はアメリカの教員養成課程や特別支援教育などについて教えていただきました。アメリカでは州によって教員免許が異なるため、カルフォルニア州のことについて特に詳しくお話を伺いました。



We have reached the half way point of this study abroad program and have finally started our field survey. We are in the process of gradually conducting field research while receiving various suggestions from Mr. Fujita who is coordinating this program. I would like to talk about what we learned from the two teachers whom we met at Davis.

At the end of November, we had an opportunity to talk with Dr. Nancy Tseng who teaches education at UC Davis. She has experience as a public elementary school teacher, and she told us about teacher training programs and special needs education in the U.S. In the U.S., teacher licensure varies by state, so she spoke in particular detail about the state of California.

We also had the opportunity to speak with Ms. Hana Sugano-McHale. Sugano who worked in a school in Japan for several years and is now teaching Japanese at a junior high school in the U.S. She told us that in the U.S., only those who have attended graduate school can become teachers, and that there are multiple examinations.

In addition to the two teachers we met this time, we are deepening our learning with the help of many other people. I am grateful for this environment and will make every effort to return to Japan with greater knowledge of my field.

Nancy Tueng先生(写真中央左)と、英語教育実践プログラムをサポートしてくださっているCourtneyさん(写真右端)との1枚です。後ろの壁には "School of Education"と書かれています。
