• 学科ニュース

Service Learning at Food bank Food drive & Honolulu Airport


  • 海外研修

ハワイの「2017 HIBISCUS」参加学生からの、2件のボランティア活動レポートをご紹介します。


Food bank Food drive
Kanoko Matsuda

On Saturday, April 15, I did Service leaning at Food bank Food drive. It is located in near McClly Shopping Center and the purpose of this company was to collect food and support from the local community so that no one in the family suffers from hunger. I went out to the road and asked for a donation and some cars stopped at the red light. I thought that this style is really American. I think that we can't do it because of traffic rules and danger in Japan, so it was valuable for me to experience. Also, a lot of people donated money. I think that there are few people to donate funds in Japan, so I was very surprised that many Hawaiian people donated money. Many people said me, "Do your best". Although it was very hot, I had a good experience.

(和訳)私は4月15日に"Food bank Food drive"というMcClly ショッピングセンターの近くでボランティアをしました。この企業の目的は、地域社会から食糧や支援を集め家族のだれもが空腹で苦しまないようにすることです。私は赤信号で止まっている車に道路まで出て、募金を募りました。このスタイルはアメリカらしいなと思いました。日本では危ないなどの理由でできないと思うので、貴重な体験ができて良かったです。また、多くの人が募金をしてくれました。日本では募金をする人は少ないと私は思うのでとても驚きました。ボランティアをしている時、多くの人が"頑張って"と声をかけてくれました。暑くてとても大変ではあったけど良い経験ができました。


Honolulu Airport
Yukino Mishima

On Saturday, March 25, I did a Service Learning at Honolulu Airport. Fifteen students from Fukuoka come to Hawaii for a homestay. They were young. My host mother works at the Japan - America Society of Hawaii and I was able to participate in this activity.
My work was mainly four duties: Giving a lei to the Japanese students when they arrived; Explain the contents of the game in Japanese when playing the game; speeches in Japanese; support for communication with the host family for the first time.
First, I greeted students from Fukuoka at the Honolulu Airport. At that time, I gave lei to the students. The students were pleased with the lei which is Hawaiian culture. For many children this was the first experience abroad, all the things to see were fresh and their eyes were shining. I remembered how I felt a month ago when I first came to Hawaii.

Next, in the room inside Honolulu Airport, games were held with students and children of host families. The first was a freight train game and the other was like a gesture game. These were organized by local college students. I had to explain the content of the game so that Japanese children could understand it.
The first one was a game I knew so I managed to explain it. However, the second game is unknown. It is difficult to listen to English and to understand English, and I relied a little on staff members. I thought that I could proceed smoothly if I understood more English.

Next, there was a face - to - face ceremony between the host family and the students. So, after the speech of the local university student, I made a speech in Japanese. It was a short speech, but I had a meeting before that. He was a student at the University of Hawaii. He talked with me about something other than a speech. I am very happy because I have less opportunity to talk with students of the University of Hawaii. And it was fun.
At lunch time the students talked with the host family for the first time. At that time, I had a meal with two students and one host family. The students did not know what to talk about at the beginning; they were only looking at the dictionary. I did not even know what to talk about with my host family at first. So I understood the feeling of the child very much. I thought about what to say about what the child wants to say. After that, he was working hard on his own talk. Host family also enjoyed talking with the child. I was happy to be able to have a little power. Through this volunteer experience, I felt that the activities to connect Japan and overseas are wonderfully necessary. I am learning sightseeing.I wanted to connect Japan and overseas more strongly in sightseeing.
I thought of various things and I had a very good experience. I was pleased to take the opportunity to do such activities.




SL at Food bank Food drive


SL at Honolulu Airport